full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dan Gartenberg: The brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Scientists are now starting to understand how not only the quantity but also the quality of sleep impacts our hltaeh and well-being. My rseerach focuses on what many scientists believe is the most regenerative stage of sleep: deep sleep. We now know that generally speaking, there are three stages of sleep: light sleep, ripad eye movement or REM and deep sleep. We measure these stages by cnienonctg electrodes to the scalp, chin and chest. In light selep and REM, our brain waves are very similar to our brain waves in winkag life. But our biarn waves in deep sleep have these long-burst brain waves that are very different from our waking life brain waves. These long-burst brain waves are called dtlea waves. When we don't get the deep sleep we need, it inhibits our ability to learn and for our clles and bdoies to recover. Deep sleep is how we convert all those interactions that we make during the day into our long-term memory and personalities. As we get older, we're more likely to lose these regenerative delta waves. So in way, deep sleep and delta waves are actually a marker for biological youth.

Open Cloze

Scientists are now starting to understand how not only the quantity but also the quality of sleep impacts our ______ and well-being. My ________ focuses on what many scientists believe is the most regenerative stage of sleep: deep sleep. We now know that generally speaking, there are three stages of sleep: light sleep, _____ eye movement or REM and deep sleep. We measure these stages by __________ electrodes to the scalp, chin and chest. In light _____ and REM, our brain waves are very similar to our brain waves in ______ life. But our _____ waves in deep sleep have these long-burst brain waves that are very different from our waking life brain waves. These long-burst brain waves are called _____ waves. When we don't get the deep sleep we need, it inhibits our ability to learn and for our _____ and ______ to recover. Deep sleep is how we convert all those interactions that we make during the day into our long-term memory and personalities. As we get older, we're more likely to lose these regenerative delta waves. So in way, deep sleep and delta waves are actually a marker for biological youth.


  1. sleep
  2. health
  3. brain
  4. waking
  5. delta
  6. cells
  7. rapid
  8. connecting
  9. bodies
  10. research

Original Text

Scientists are now starting to understand how not only the quantity but also the quality of sleep impacts our health and well-being. My research focuses on what many scientists believe is the most regenerative stage of sleep: deep sleep. We now know that generally speaking, there are three stages of sleep: light sleep, rapid eye movement or REM and deep sleep. We measure these stages by connecting electrodes to the scalp, chin and chest. In light sleep and REM, our brain waves are very similar to our brain waves in waking life. But our brain waves in deep sleep have these long-burst brain waves that are very different from our waking life brain waves. These long-burst brain waves are called delta waves. When we don't get the deep sleep we need, it inhibits our ability to learn and for our cells and bodies to recover. Deep sleep is how we convert all those interactions that we make during the day into our long-term memory and personalities. As we get older, we're more likely to lose these regenerative delta waves. So in way, deep sleep and delta waves are actually a marker for biological youth.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
brain waves 9
deep sleep 8
delta waves 6
regenerative delta 3
circadian rhythm 2
sleep health 2
poor sleep 2
waking life 2
sleep deeper 2
burst frequency 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
regenerative delta waves 3

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. biological
  3. bodies
  4. brain
  5. called
  6. cells
  7. chest
  8. chin
  9. connecting
  10. convert
  11. day
  12. deep
  13. delta
  14. electrodes
  15. eye
  16. focuses
  17. generally
  18. health
  19. impacts
  20. inhibits
  21. interactions
  22. learn
  23. life
  24. light
  25. lose
  26. marker
  27. measure
  28. memory
  29. movement
  30. older
  31. personalities
  32. quality
  33. quantity
  34. rapid
  35. recover
  36. regenerative
  37. rem
  38. research
  39. scalp
  40. scientists
  41. similar
  42. sleep
  43. speaking
  44. stage
  45. stages
  46. starting
  47. understand
  48. waking
  49. waves
  50. youth